Friday, March 4, 2011

Neighborhood Watch, Part 3

By the looks of it, it may not be much of a view for her, but there are a lot of squirrels and birds running up and down those trees and roof.  She's good.  She misses Ms. Gustafson's little girl and her many uncles though. 


Ali said...

I'm sure it won't be long before she witnesses some illicit squirrel activity.

Speaking of which, I just started this book called "Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk" by David Sedaris and I think you'd get a total kick out of it. It's a collection of short stories of animals in human-type situations.

Here's an excerpt:

Margie said...

Oh snap! That excerpt is hilarious. BRB, adding it to Amazon cart! I'm certain I'm going to love it. I'd heard about it but never got around to investigating it. Thanks for the recommendation! Keep 'em coming.