Monday, November 22, 2010

Hot Chocolate

Abuleita hot chocolate is a staple in any Mexican household.  It's easy to make and incredibly yummy, from what I remember.  I purchased a package for the BNC and made some while the weather was nice and cool on Thursday night.  Coupled with some pan de dulce (sweet bread) and your worries should melt away. 

For every square of the Abuelita (Grandmother) chocolate bar, add a cup of milk.  Warm up your milk, not boiling, and add your squares of chocolate.  Stir and stir until completely dissolved all the while not boiling your milk or developing that nasty skin on top.  It may be a little undersweetened so adding half a spoon of sugar to your serving may bring out the flavor.  I should have tried the Modern Family version, adding some salt, but I decided not to. 

Pour into your favorite mug, which may be an oversized mug you purchased 10+ years ago while visiting the Alamo and eat with a piece of sweet bread (not the animal gland).


If you're like me though, you may just salivate as your BNC sips his hot chocolate while you pat yourself on the back for powering through. 


Ali said...

I wonder if my local grocery store carries this. I'll check tonight.

I'm sure this beats the pance off the usual "just add water" packets I have in the pantry.

Margie said...

I'd take both right now but...I'll take one for the team and drink just the water.

Let me know what you think. Describe it so I can live vicariously through you.