Monday, August 30, 2010
Do Fun Stuff
Thursday, August 26, 2010
"Everyone get dressed. We are going out to eat!" said the Old Man.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Cleaning & Sorting
Prior to my brother's diagnosis, I had already decided to grow out my hair to donate to Locks of Love. It was a difficult process since my hair was layered and the donated hair has to be one length and at least 10" long. In September of 2009, I reached my goal. It meant a great deal to me since it took on a more personal meaning earlier in the year. In all honesty, I may never do it again. I loathe long hair on me since I have curly, fine hair and it's a pain in the boom boom to care for. Let's not even get into the humidity.
Oh yea, she is adorable but she singlehandedly brought Christmas down last year. I woke up one morning to find the star that was atop the tree on the floor. I had to bring it down or run the risk of having my beloved Transformers ornaments broken. It took me a year to find one of the lambs that had been missing from the nativity scene.
Boochie rubbing up against Joseph. Sigh. One of the best cats ever.
And I cannot believe that I'll be 34 next week. Already? The only plans I have are dinner. I want dinner, dinner, dinner. And froyo.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Out of Memory
I'm more of a fan of Smashburger but Red Robin was across from the movie theater.
What I need right some good advice, please.
Daddy, daddy, if you could only see,
Just how good he's been treating me.
Sorry, got Madonna playing in the background.
Friday, August 20, 2010
City Girl

Thursday, August 19, 2010
Rice, Rice Baby
I add a little water to the garlic/cumin mix and throw into my fried rice. In addition, a little tomato sauce, or paste, should be added here to add a little flavor and color.
So, I went to Target a while ago, and while I managed to buy some of the items on my list, I failed to summon the energy to return to a part of the store I passed up for the peppermill. No bumping and grinding tonight. I also failed to go back for a DVD player cleaner which means that my Batman DVD player (yes, I own one) sits idle and tempermental. If that doesn't work, off to eBay. Wish me luck.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
National Marrow Donor Program

Monday, August 16, 2010
Barbecue Inn

Thursday, August 12, 2010
Zippity Do Dah
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Chicken Dinner
Bowl of fideo while the chicken baked.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Hot in the City
Brother's Pizza with some friends Friday night.
There is a farmer's market that my family and I have been visiting since I was single digits. I love when pecans are in season because you can go there and see the machines crack them and sell them to you on the spot. LOVE it. We like to visit the stalls behind the main building and buy directly from the farmers. They're awesome, know you by name and give you great prices on their produce. Anyhow, I took my mom and she got her veggie on while I sweated and eyed the raspa stands nearby.
The BNC got stuck working ALL DAY Sunday and I watched 7 episodes of Dexter Season 4. We broke up with Comcast last week and went to AT&T UVerse. Turns out, rather than wait for Netflix to make Season 4 available, I can watch it On Demand. SCORE!!!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
It's been a long time, shouldn't've left you...
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Dear John
Dear Heat,
You and I have become well acquainted over the course of 3 decades and some change. We've had fun at the beach, the zoo, in a box with a fox, hand in hand, but every year, without fail, I seem to forget what your true power is; it's true extent. Then August rolls around and I remember, with a sweaty brow, how miserable you make me. The entire city is complaining about you and your 100ยบ this past weekend, the one where I stayed in, sans a little breakfast, on a Sunday, while the BNC was home, and vegged out just like the broccoli in the crisper is doing right now. The slap in the face you give me once I open the front door stays with me all the day. Dude, you're killing me. August surely must stand for HOT AS A MFER. I don't even want to lounge in the pool because something tells me I am going to boil.
Listen, I know you have to make an appearance, enough so people can complain about it and make the Global Warming comment. I get it, you have to uphold your reputation but man, you're killing me, Smalls. I'm just trying to walk to my car without letting my just straightened hair curl up and create this ugly hot mess. I'm also trying not to drown from all the humidity since I don't know how to swim. No bueno.
I guess what I'm really trying to say is, fuck, can you turn it down a notch?
See you in an hour, Heat.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Dead of Dysentry
Oregon Trail! I remember playing this game so much that, now that I think about it, what was the educational value? I suspect the computer teacher was pawning us off. Cleva gurl! Geez, I sure do miss elementary school.
I always chose to be the banker. I don't know why. But, I do remember when I first made it to Oregon. Glorious day! Much like the one time I beat my BNC at NWO Revenge using Chris Jericho where I stood atop my opponent and the referee slowly, I mean seriously, slooooowly counted to 3 and I won. People still talk about it to this day, mainly me. My retirement was swift and immediate after the win while talk of a rematch has continued since but no, I've moved on.
Which leads me to UFC this Saturday night where, once again, with Chapa in tow, we'll be at Buffalo Wild Wings.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Old Favorites

A nice chilli dog with sharp cheddar while finally getting to that Netflix movie that's been sitting on top of the TV since, according to the Netflix account, July 10.
There are so many more comfort foods for me. Things such as my grandma's flour tortillas with beans and chorizo, a bowl of Frosted Flakes and my dad's grilled fajitas rank up there. The memories they conjure up, that warm feeling inside, I marvel at how it's wrapped so easily, yet so tightly, into a plate of food that makes me feel safe, happy and sad all at the same time.